In May this year, frog design founder Hartmut Esslinger spoke at the German Trend Day in Hamburg. The Trend Day is an influential annual forum that gathers thought leaders from business, media, and academia to discuss emerging social and cultural trends. This year's theme was "Identity Management, and other speakers besides Hartmut included Richard Florida, Danny Choo, and David Bosshart.
The organizers have synthesized the research, interviews, and lectures of the two-day symposium into a manifesto that is worth reading:
The paper argues that today's "attention economy" will be succeeded by a "recognition economy," in which opportunities for design will continue to increase: "Compulsory self-responsibility will force consumers to optimize their self. This self will call for deliberate decisions and new orientation frames. Identity will become a management assignment. Recognition will become the new key quantity." The result is what the authors call "Egonomics – an economy geared to the own self." Egonomics comprise of the following pillars: Body: Healthstyle; Security: Authentification; Relationships: Connectivity; Recognition: Reputation; Self-actualization: Creativity.